Church Street Clinic



Clinical Hypnotherapy can be used to successfully treat :-

Addictions, Anxiety, Athletic Performance, Blushing, Confidence, Depression, Fears and Phobias, IBS, Impotence, Insomnia, Nail Biting, Panic Attacks, Public Speaking, Stopping Smoking, Pain Control, Self Esteem, Stress, Stuttering, Teeth Grinding, Weight Loss, Unwanted Habits, Emotional Problems, Public Speaking and many more.

What is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

The first thing you should know about hypnosis is that it is a natural state that everyone has gone through many, many times before. Sometimes we enter the hypnotic state naturally, enjoy it for a while and then either fall asleep or come back to fully waking consciousness, often unaware that anything unusual has happened. On occasion, we do notice the shift in consciousness, but usually this realisation does not come until we are back to full conscious awareness. Have you ever driven or walked somewhere and suddenly realised that you are unsure of which route you took? It’s almost as though you are on autopilot, you know you were safe, yet your focus was elsewhere. This naturally occurring state is often cut short because of external events that require your conscious awareness, such as stop lights or potentially hazardous circumstances. You also enter a trance state while day dreaming, again this is often cut short as work colleagues wave their hand in front of your face and call your name! These are just two examples of how we drift in and out of altered states of consciousness without direction, the difference between these experiences and hypnosis is that with hypnosis you control the state and make productive use of it.

During the hypnotic state something very special and rather unusual happens. The subject becomes increasingly suggestible and is able to gain access to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind works very much like a computer processor, obeying the programs it receives without question, however, during normal waking consciousness, any program that you attempt to install will be checked, and if it conflicts with programs already running, it will be rejected. The hypnotic state allows you to reprogram your subconscious mind without scrutiny. This means that you are able to install new programs that conflict with your existing ones. When this happens people change. Changes at the subconscious level are usually very long lasting; an example of a negative program at this level would be a phobia or an addiction. The goal of hypnosis is to elicit positive change by removing undesirable programs and replacing them with helpful ones. This is only possible because hypnosis allows access to the subconscious, if it didn’t; hypnosis would be nothing more than relaxation. There have been many attempts to explain what makes this communication possible and experimentation has revealed a number of ways that we are able to program our subconscious, the most notable of which are repetition, relaxation, focus, shock and confusion.

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions that answer a few misconceptions about hypnosis :-

Will I remember what has happened?

Yes, most people are surprised to find that they remember everything that happens during hypnotherapy. You are not asleep on unconscious, you will know everything that is going on around you.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

No, it is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis as it is a completely natural state. If something happened to the therapist while you were in hypnosis you would naturally drift out of hypnosis on your own.

Can I speak whilst in hypnosis?

Yes and with some treatments you will be encouraged to do so.

How many visits will I need?

This can vary so much depending on the problem and how well you respond to hypnotherapy. It can be anything from two to three sessions for stopping smoking and weight loss to five or six sessions for more deep rooted problems.

Can I be influenced to do anything against my will?

No, you are in control at all times and cannot be made to do anything against your will. Stage hypnotism has given hypnotherapy a bad name in this light, and you can only be made to do what you want to do. If you were asked to do something you did not want to, you would either just not do it or come straight out of hypnosis.

How will I feel afterwards?

You will feel very calm and relaxed after hypnosis. Some people even question if they have been in hypnosis as they experienced everything and had a pre-conception that they should be unconscious whilst under hypnosis, which of course is not the case.