Church Street Clinic

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

Aims and Objectives

This dental practice consists of dedicated and professional employees. We strive to be acknowledged by our clients, suppliers and regulators as a leader in our sector. This will be achieved by ensuring that we recruit and train highly professional staff whose ambitions are to exceed client expectations.

Our Aims:

We aim to provide dental care and treatment of consistently good quality for all patients and only to provide services that meet patients’ needs and wishes. We aim to make care and treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible. In addition we aim:

• To understand and exceed the expectations of our clients
• To both motivate and invest in our team and acknowledge their value
• To encourage all team members to participate in achieving our aims and objectives
• To clearly set and monitor targets in all areas
• To invest in property, equipment and technology and to innovate processes based on a measured business case

Our Objectives:

The objectives of the practice are to deliver a service of high standard in line with professional standards:

• To be accountable for individual and team performance
• To support each other in achieving patient expectations
• To maintain the highest professional and ethical standards
• To rapidly respond to the needs of our team and our patients
• To encourage innovation, ambition, enterprise and continuous improvement
• To ensure staff are trained and competent through investment and personal development.

This is achieved by offering patients a personal service, integrating the highest quality products with the latest proven techniques and protocols.

Patients are treated with honesty and integrity, in complete confidence and the utmost discretion, in comfortable surroundings, at a reasonable cost.

The practice complies with the requirements of the Advertising Standards Authority and ensures that any advertisements reflect the true nature of services offered.